Welcome to Centralia School District

As a District, we are privileged to partner with you to help your child achieve academic and personal excellence. We are committed to realizing our vision by prioritizing students, upholding high expectations, championing hope, and cultivating collaboration.
We are excited to work with you in the coming year to help your child achieve academic and personal excellence. This year, our motto is “Rising Strong: Success, No Exceptions”. As a District, we are committed to ensuring each and every student rises academically to higher levels. We will continue to focus on our instruction, specifically in reading and math in elementary and in instructional practices in secondary. We will also continue building a positive culture for students with clear expectations and the teaching of the skills that will help students be successful behaviorally. As part of the student climate and culture, we are also continuing to work on safety and security in order to make sure our learning environments are both physically and emotionally positive.
Our families and community are important partners in our success. If you have a question, concern, or ideas, please reach out. Working together, we are “Rising Strong” to ensure each and every student achieves academic and personal excellence.
It is an honor to serve as your superintendent.
Lisa Grant.