Title I/LAP » Teacher Requirements

Teacher Requirements

Title I/LAP Student Learning Plans Information

Each site has been provided a digital copy of a Student Learning Plan that may be modified at each site.
  • Please remember that these documents can be individualized in Word to better meet the needs of your learner.
Additional Information
(the following information was shared with principals to share with staff regarding the newly revised forms):

The Teaching and Learning Office wanted to provide you with some talking points when sharing the modified Title I Compacts and LAP Accelerated Learning Plans with your staff.

Reasons why we modified the form:

During our Consolidated Program Review (CPR) in 2011-12 Centralia was encouraged to address the following additional details to our existing forms:

  • Our forms needed to be more consistent across the system (each level) regarding the student Title I compacts and LAP plans.
  • They also suggested that the forms needed more language to guide the process to ensure each teacher was using the forms in a similar manner. (Larry Fazzari)
  • It was requested that we not only have specific goals, but we demonstrate “evidence” of progress toward the goal. (per Jamilyn Penn).
  • OSPI supervisors Bill Paulson, Larry Fazzari, and Jamilyn Penn assisted in the revision of the Title I & Accelerated Learning Plan that clearly support the LAP and Title guidelines.
  • This new form will provide the longitudinal data that should help inform the student, parent, and teacher.

Not much has changed between this new form and the previous form. If you have any questions please let me know.

Below are the Title I/LAP requirements we that were upheld in the construction of the new docs:

Section 1118(d) of No Child Left Behind requires each school receiving Title I, Part A to develop with, and distribute to, parents a compact. The compact is a tool to encourage parents to work in partnership with school personnel to help their children improve academic achievement and proficiency on state and district assessments.

The following items must be addressed in the compact. Other items may and often should be included. Building personnel are strongly encouraged to tailor the compacts to the needs and objectives of their students, parents, and staff.

Assurance the school will provide a supportive environment in which the children can learn and achieve.
Ways parents will participate in their children’s learning. (Note: Ways children will participate in their learning may also be addressed).
Ways communication between teachers and parents will occur throughout the year, including progress reports and access to teachers and administrators. (The compact should be included in the parent-teacher conference(s) held at least annually in elementary schools and strongly encouraged in secondary buildings).
Other items parents, teachers, administrators or students feel are appropriate and useful. Building personnel are encouraged, to the extent practicable, to customize compacts to address the needs of the individual participants to the compact.

School parent compact jointly developed with parents:

  • Annually conduct parent conferences in elementary school using the compact.
  • Frequent reports to parents regarding their student’s progress.
  • Parents have reasonable access to staff, opportunities to volunteer and participate in the student’s class and observation of classroom activities.

LAP Accelerated Student Learning Plans
Any student served with LAP funds must have an Accelerated Student Learning Plan. Accelerated Student Learning Plans may be developed for individual LAP students or for a group of LAP students with similar academic or graduation credit retrieval needs. LAP plans may be developed as part of an existing student achievement plan (such as student plans for achieving state high school graduation standards or individual student academic plans for students who do not meet standards on the state assessments). While there is no prescribed format for these plans, all LAP Accelerated Student Learning Plans must include:

  1. Achievement goals for the student.
  2. Roles of the student, parents or guardians, and teachers in the plan.
  3. Communication procedures regarding student accomplishments.
  4. Plan review and adjustment process.

State and local measures that should be used to measure to determine whether a student requires a LAP Accelerated Learning Plan:
Grade 3 and up should use MSP, HSPE, and EOC as a measure to determine is a student requires a LAP Accelerated Learning Plan.

Kinder through second grades grade may use a variety of measures to determine whether a student requires a LAP Accelerated Learning Plan. This may be dynamic based on the content area needs.
  • Measures may include: Math unit assessments, RtI Math screening, SRI, etc.