Media Guidelines » Media On School Grounds

Media On School Grounds

We welcome and encourage media coverage of events in our schools and are happy to host media whenever possible and practical. Members of the media must first contact the Superintendent's office at (360)330-7600 or by email to receive permission before going to a school. Visits should be arranged at least 24 hours in advance whenever possible. If you have not prearranged your visit, you may be asked to leave school grounds, or you may be asked to wait in the school office until District communications personnel can accomodate you.

Proper identification is required for access to schools, students, and staff during events that are not generally open to the public (such as the normal school day). You will be asked to sign into the building and you will be required to wear a badge or sticker identifying yourself as a visitor to the campus. In most cases, media representitives visiting our school properties will be accompainied by a school administrator or the District's communicaions & public relations coordinator. Students and staff will be informed that they have the right to refuse to be interviewed, photographed, or videotaped. Where at all possible, photos should be reviewed by the communications staff to ensure that students involved do not have privacy statements on file preventing the release of their identity. Teachers have the right to deny photography or video/audio recording in their classrooms. 

Media coverage and photography/video recording of events that are open to the public is welcome and encouraged! If you require special acccomodations for these types of events, let our communications staff know in advance and we will be happy to do what we can.