Career & Technical Education (CTE) » CTE Home Page

CTE Home Page

What is Career and Technical Education?
  • Encompasses 94 percent of high school students and 8.4 million individuals seeking postsecondary certificates and associate degrees in CTE fields
  • Is delivered flexibly through high schools, area career centers, career academies, community and technical colleges, four-year universities and more
  • Educates students for a range of career options through 16 Career Clusters® and 79+ pathways
  • Offers clear pathways to industry certifications, postsecondary certificates and degrees
  • Partners with businesses to prepare students for tomorrow’s workforce
  • Fulfills community needs in high-skill, high-wage, high-demand areas
  • Prepares students to be college- and career-ready by providing core academic skills, employability skills and technical, job-specific skills
Our goal is that every Centralia High School CTE student graduates globally competitive in the career pathway of their choice with the ability to easily transition into post-secondary education, prepared for life in the 21st Century. Every student’s passion can be pursued through Career and Technology Education.
CTE programs offered in Centralia School District can be observed by clicking on the Programs & Teachers link on the left side of this page.

CTE Opportunities:

*The CTE brand logo, brandpositioning theme and brand extensions are the property of NASDCTEc.           
For more information on CTE click on image below.
Mike Stratton
Director, CTE 

Lisa Walton
CTAE Department Secretary